Deans & Staff

Meredith Rathburn
Program Assistant
Lauren Foster
Junior Dean
Amélie Marescaux
Program Assistant
Iris Tadie
Program Assistant
Rawletta Barrow
Junior Dean
Will Jennings
Faculty Dean
Bob Pokorney
A native of Duluth, Minnesota, Bob has led student programs with Putney in France, Morocco, and Switzerland. Before joining Putney, he guided cycling trips in Europe, taught high school and college French, and interpreted for sports events in France and the United States. He speaks French, Spanish, and Italian, and is studying Moroccan Arabic. He currently organizes many of Putney’s programs in Europe. Bob is also a sailboat captain, landscape painter, EMT, and lifeguard.
Tom Kane
Tom is the head of the arts division at Middlesex School, a boarding school in Concord, Massachusetts, where he teaches theater. A graduate of Northwestern University and the American Conservatory Theater, Tom enjoys working with high school students and using theater as a lens to examine the bigger world. When not creating imaginative worlds, Tom enjoys traveling in the actual world. He has led and directed trips with high school students in Oxford, London, Paris, Florence, and Vermont.
Marina Volchok Wynia
Program Assistant
While at Trinity College Dublin, Marina has been focusing on her medical studies. She herself was a Putney Pre-College student in Amherst College and is very excited to be back this time as part of the Putney staff. In high school, at the American School of Barcelona, Marina was actively involved in medical community service and volunteer initiatives. She organized and established a CPR course program for the school community. Marina also volunteered on a Medical Mission to Peru, assisting U.S. medical students and doctors providing free healthcare in Iquitos and in remote Amazon riverside communities. There, she translated for doctors, managed patient intake and helped set up a women’s reproductive health clinic. She has also volunteered as a teacher’s assistant in a Catalan school. Marina is fluent in English, Spanish, and Catalan, and is at an intermediate level of French. She loves traveling and has visited 20 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In her free time, Marina pursues her love of art and she enjoys playing soccer.
Kelli Wisthoff
While at Taylor University, Kelli studied English with a focus in creative writing and spent a semester in Ireland studying Irish culture, history, and literature. After graduation, she led programs at the YMCA of the Rockies in Rocky Mountain National Park before continuing her education at Vanderbilt University in Higher Education Administration. At Vanderbilt, she became passionate about access to higher education and worked in the office of undergraduate admissions evaluating student applications. After finishing her graduate work, Kelli traveled in southeast Asia, visiting Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia. She now works with high school students at an independent school where she has coordinated a Writing Center, led student travel to Belize to study wildlife and Mesoamerican archaeological sites, taught courses in English and creative writing, and worked as a college counselor, helping students craft applications to highly selective colleges. This fall she will return to her work with high school students and begin coordinating a writer-in-residence program to foster collaboration between students and professional writers.