Alexa Garvoille

An educator, poet, and creative writing researcher, Alexa has taught high school and college students for nearly 15 years. During her undergrad at Yale, Alexa studied the connection between literature and photography both in New Haven and during her yearlong study abroad in Paris. She went on to pursue her passion for teaching and literature at Duke University. She has since led courses in Creative Writing, Composition, American Studies, and even Reality TV to over 1,000 students. At the high school level, Alexa also helped close to 100 young writers design and self-publish books and chapbooks, facilitated the publication of six anthologies of short memoirs, and advised a nationally recognized literary magazine. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Alexa recently took a hiatus from the classroom to pursue an M.F.A. in creative writing at Virginia Tech, where she wrote poetry, plays, and creative nonfiction in between Appalachian Mountain hikes. Her work has appeared in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Lavender Review, Mount Island, Homology Lit, and elsewhere. Currently, Alexa teaches in the Humanities Department at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in her favorite Southern city, Durham, NC. She has led Putney programs at Amherst and Colby, as well as in Greece and Ireland.

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